Noodles – The Meme Coin Standard

Say “Hello” to Noodles, but say it slowly. Noodles isn’t all there and gets confused easily. Noodles loves meme coins and launched his own – NOOD


The new standard for meme coins is here, thanks to Noodles

Fair Launch

Stealth launch with no presale, no taxes, 95% supply in LP at launch, keys burnt and contract renounced. 


$NOOD is a ERC-20 token with a supply of 420,690,000,000,000

Buy NOOD on Uniswap with MetaMask

Noodles Gang

NOOD is the meme coin standard to own if you believe in code over everything and DeFi as a lifestyle choice. Noodles is ready to fly.

Noodles loves max bidding, better believe it.

Buy NOOD on Uniswap

About Noodles

Noodles Takeover

Noodles the dog loves meme coins and has bought plenty. He knows what makes a winner. NOOD is designed with verifiable code and a sprinkle of crypto secrets.

Defi by Design

100% of NOOD is made available for the community. No free hand outs to centralized exchanges or influencers. NOOD is market driven from the start.

Noodles Magic

Noodles runs the show, but has guidance from leaders in the BAYC, Nouns, and PEPE communities.


100% Market Driven

A max of 420,690,000,000,000 NOOD are available with 95% locked in LP at launch, and 5% available for ETH/NOOD staking.

0% are made available for CEX listings. Exchanges will have to compete and buy NOOD like everyone else.


Locked in LP at Launch


Staking Rewards

Timing is everything

I’d rather be lucky than


Degen Dog

Questions for Noodles?

This FAQ should cover any of your questions.

How can I buy NOOD?

Buying NOOD is easy on any decentralized exchange.

  1. Create a Wallet – Download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to
  2. Buy ETH – You need to have ETH in your wallet to swap to $NOOD. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.
  3. Go to Uniswap – Connect your wallet to Uniswap. Go to in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Then Paste the $NOOD token address into Uniswap, select Noodles (NOOD), and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.
  4. Swap ETH for NOOD – Swap $ETH for $NOOD. There are ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Is there a formal roadmap?

There is no formal roadmap and you should have no expectations of any financial return. The team plans to use their connections and existing relationships to expand listings of NOOD and its utility, but make no guarantees.

Can I use these images?

Yes, all content including graphics, text, and videography can be taken and used freely.

What wallet should I use?

Any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens should work. MetaMask is a good option.

Contract Address is: 0xc3c1e6e49a6e2579a45dac22d6dada03a7946aa0

What slippage should I set?

There are no taxes on NOOD, so slippage can remain low. However, during times of high market volatility you may want to raise the slippage to ensure your order is processed.